Senior partner

Angela Maria Vairo

Chartered Accountant - Tax Advisor
Statutory Auditor

Former official who collects abstracts of the rulings of the Provincial and Regional Tax Commission of Lombardy. Former contributor to “Quotidiano il Fisco” (online journal of Il Sole 24 Ore).
Former teacher for training courses organised by Istud, aimed at young entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs. She collaborated on the text Holzmiller E. (2008), Gruppi societari e Holding [Company groups and holdings], Il Sole 24 Ore, and the text Holzmiller E. (2003), Il Nuovo Diritto Societario [The New Company Law], Il Sole 24 Ore. She is a consultant in company, tax and corporate matters and has experience in consolidated tax and civil law, litigation, generational transfers and international taxation mainly relating to individuals.
She is a member of Boards of Statutory Auditors and carries out audit tasks.